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Информация о международный конкурсе эссе «Письмо себе из 2030 года»


Сроки и участники

Дедлайн: 15 июня 2020 года
Участники: дети и молодежь в возрасте до 25 лет
Награды: 100 000 иен, сертификат и подарок награждения в Токио (Япония) 50 000 иен, сертификат и подарок

Фонд Goi Peace (Япония) проводит международный конкурс эссе «Письмо самому себе из 2030 года». К участию приглашаются дети и молодежь в возрасте до 25 лет со всего мира.

Фото носит иллюстративный характер
Источник: unsplash.com

Представь себе, каким будет мир через десять лет. Напиши письмо от себя из 2030 года себе нынешнему в 2020. Опиши в нём состояние мира в 2030-м, то, как живут люди, и чем занимаешься ты. Добавь любую важную информацию, которую ты хотел бы передать себе и другим людям в 2020-й год.

Объем эссе должен быть не более 700 слов на английском, французском, испанском или немецком языках, за исключением названия эссе и титульной страницы.

Эссе должно быть оригинальным и неопубликованным. Дети до 14 лет и молодежь от 15 до 25 лет оцениваются раздельно.


Фото носит иллюстративный характер
Источник: unsplash.com
  • 1 место в каждой возрастной категории — премия в размере 100 000 иен, сертификат и подарок. Победители также будут приглашены на церемонию награждения которая состоится в Токио (Япония), проезд будет оплачен организатором.
  • 2 место в каждой возрастной категории — премия в размере 50 000 иен, сертификат и подарок.
  • 3 место в каждой возрастной категории — сертификат и подарок.
  • Поощрительный приз (25 участников) — сертификат и подарок.

Присоединить файл с текстом эссе и узнать подробную информацию можно здесь https://www.goipeace.or.jp/en/work/essay-contest/

Верь в себя!

Прочитай эссе Ильи Никитичева (21 год) из Курска — победителя в молодежной категории 2019 года.

Фото носит иллюстративный характер
Источник: unsplash.com

Kind Souls Make the World a Better Place

Kindness has been around me for as long as I can remember. For me, it is not about pompous words, but acts that others did for me. I have had health problems all my life, but my mother has always been there to support me. Her constant care is but an inexhaustible source of kindness and care. I had to undergo many surgeries on my bones and doctors surrounded me in orthopaedic centers. Not only were they experienced and kind, but their work was nothing short of heroic. When time came for me to go to school, I felt care and attention from my teachers as well. I was home-schooled and the teachers were giving me not only knowledge, but part of themselves too. They tried to make my studying exciting so that I did not feel lonely. Sometimes I attended classes with others and met my friends. Thanks to their kind hearts, I always received a great jolt of energy to keep on going. I will never forget the times when back in primary school I attended a drama club created by an amateur actress for special children. She came to our little studio on her day off and shared her acting experience with us, put us into a magical world where we were the main characters, but most importantly, our faces lit up with happy smiles. After I graduated from school with good marks, I went to university and enrolled in the department of foreign languages. I have been studying linguistics there for three years now. During my first year there were no access ramps on the campus for me to enter the building easily. However, the rector did not stay indifferent and the entrance was reconstructed presently. The ramp now serves well to students with disability who have an opportunity to access the university building, to learn and to achieve professionalism. For me, it was a great act of kindness. During my time in college I was very lucky to meet my mentor. She helped me a lot with tricky parts of learning a language and she also guided me through my research and creative work. She was not given any overtime pay. She did it out of her kindness, because she wanted me to become a good translator. I am enormously grateful to her for this. I hope that I will be able to fulfil my goal and turn into a skilled professional.

All the kind attitude inspired me to give kindness to others. A lot of people led me to it: my parents, relatives, friends and teachers. My competence by now allows me to create something truly useful for others. So I thought, ‘What can I do?’ Surely, I can do translations! I searched the Internet for some volunteer translation projects that may be beneficial to others and found out about the Unique initiative proposed by the Russian branch of Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group. A team of socially responsible students would translate medical booklets about rare chromosome disorders, as well as some comic books for ill children, from English to Russian. I joined them. I was excited to give assistance to ill children that would be within my powers, as these children and their families need information about their diagnoses in their native language. Through those translations I want to help people with chromosome disorders to speak of themselves to the world, to support their families and provide them with necessary information. As the booklets are published, I see that my work was not in vain. This year a total of sixteen booklets and comic books were published. Every participant of Unique committed themselves to making the lives of people in difficult situations more hopeful and joyful. I got a lot of kindness and happiness from others in my life, but I think it is much more pleasant to repay people with joy as it resonates within your heart much stronger. Let us shine with kindness from our hearts, for when are hearts are bright, the whole world will become kinder.